Creating Competitiveness for Exports in Mozambique

"How to Develop a Marketing Plan” Workshop

The workshop is divided into four sessions to provide business entrepreneurs with relevant information and tools to develop and put into practice key concepts for developing a marketing plan and defining their marketing strategy. All four sessions were co-organized with IPEME), APIEX, FNDS, GAPI and the Zambezi Valley Agency.

Day 1 - Portuguese

Day 1 - English

Day 2 - Portuguese

Day 2 - English

Worshop “Business Model Canvas as a Strategic Tool for Innovation, Business Growth and Export”

Most strategic business decisions regarding plans to export or reorient their competitive advantage involve innovation. But entrepreneurs often find it challenging to convert their ideas from a “theoretical stage” to a realistic “planning stage”. The webinar covers the application of the business model canvas as a simple, intuitive and flexible tool that helps entrepreneurs better visualize the strategic elements that matter most and have a measurable impact on business growth, creating a value proposition for the customer.

Workshop “Export Focused Business Model - A useful tool to promote export readiness.”

The workshop aims to increase the capacity of public Business Development Service (BDS) providers to support SMEs in designing a sustainable business model for the export market. In addition, the workshop guides BDS providers in the use of strategic tools that are crucial for SME Development.

Day 1 - Portuguese

Day 1 - English

Dia 1 - Portuguese

Day 1 - English