This Guide has been prepared by the Mozambican Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC) as a tool for publicizing and raising awareness of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), to facilitate and promote the increase and diversification of the country’s exports, in particular by taking advantage of the opportunities for Mozambican companies resulting from preferential access to the European Union (EU) market.
Supporting Trade and Development in Mozambique – PROMOVE Comércio is a large-scale programme signed between the Government of Mozambique and the European Union (EU) for a total of 12 million EUR.
As part of this umbrella programme, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the Development Alternatives Initiative (DAI), in close collaboration with the Government of Mozambique and the Private Sector, support the implementation of the project PROMOVE Comercio - Building Competitiveness for Export.
Components 1 and 3 of the initiative are implemented by DAI, with a duration of 3 years, from August 2022 to August 2025. The objective of these components is to improve trade facilitation by strengthening the capacities of the Government and the private sector in the implementation of the EU-SADC EPA and WTO agreements.
UNIDO implements component 2, which aims at improving trade, competitiveness, and the business environment in Mozambique for greater market access in selected value chains (VCs). The implementation of this component spans almost 5 years, from March 2020 to February 2025.
1.1 Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to coordinate, monitor and implement the obligations and provisions arising from the EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement) and the CFA (Trade Facilitation Agreement) of the WTO (World Trade Organization). 1.2 Main commitments of the Customs EPA ready to be adopted and made available to the
2.1 Good governance and quality basic infrastructure services at institutional level (INNOQ) improved to ensure international recognition. 2.2 Strengthening the technical skills of conformity assessment service providers (e.g. testing laboratories) and ensuring international recognition. 2.3 Increased availability and quality of business development services.
3.1 Improving EPA awareness in the private sector, NSAs (non-state actors) and trade promotion agencies. 3.2 Strengthening the capacity of business associations to promote trade and trade opportunities for EPAs. 3.3 Strengthening the capacity of non-state actors to monitor EPAs and advocate for reforms to take advantage of EPA opportunities.
August 23rd, 2023
August 23rd, 2023
August 23rd, 2023
Praça 25 de Junho, Ministry of Industry and Trade, 300 – 8th floor
Rua Kibiriti Diwane, 322
Maputo city, Mozambique
This website has been developed with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of PROMOVE COMÉRCIO and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.