1.1 Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to coordinate, monitor and implement the obligations and provisions arising from the EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement) and the CFA (Trade Facilitation Agreement) of the WTO (World Trade Organization).
1.2 Main commitments of the Customs EPA ready to be adopted and made available to the public.
1.3 Strengthening the government’s capacity to participate in trade policy decision-making at the joint meetings of the EU-SADC EPA states.
1.4 Strengthening the government’s knowledge of the legal and institutional framework needed to implement the EPA’s trade defense/safeguards articles. (UNCTAD)
Praça 25 de Junho, Ministry of Industry and Trade, 300 – 8th floor
Rua Kibiriti Diwane, 322
Maputo city, Mozambique
This website has been developed with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of PROMOVE COMÉRCIO and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.